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Horse drawn timber extraction

A low impact and sustainable management technique, horse drawn timber extraction systems can provide silvicultural, ecological, environmental and economic benefits. Their use offers a viable low impact, low carbon and efficient extraction method and also provides unique operational versatility; one ideally suited to the diverse range of woodland types, sites and management objectives, particular to the woodland structure of the United Kingdom.

Global and regional concerns about forest biodiversity, sustainable land management and climate change, have prompted a reassessment of the vital role horse drawn timber extraction systems have to play in the conscientious, long term management and health of our forests and woodlands.

Modern horse drawn forestry equipment has developed to reflect and complement the diversity of woodland sites, timber product specifications and 21st Century management objectives.


Weald Woodscapes has over 20 years’ experience working horses commercially in forestry on a range of sites across the United Kingdom. Our team of horses are ‘seasoned’ professional, well trained forestry horses that know their job and love to work.


Weald Woodscapes (Frankie Woodgate) is registered on the British Horse Loggers Professional Register.


References are available from a range of forest agencies, private woodland owners, conservation and wildlife trusts.


  • Avoids compaction of woodland soil.

  • No rutting or turning damage.

  • No reinstatement costs.

  • No noise or fuel pollution.

  • Avoids damage to natural regeneration, standing crop, coppice stools & planted stock.

  • Avoids damage to riparian features with no risk of contamination from fuel spillage.

  • Unparalleled manoeuvrability and ability to use multiple extraction routes.

  • Ability to work on a range of sites; from steep woodland to wet woodland and anywhere in between.

  • Can provide a light soil scarification; ideal for creating a seed bed for natural regeneration.

  • Allows for selectively felled timber extraction, without incurring damage to standing crop and or emergent broadleaves or the need to create extraction racks.

Benefits of horse drawn timber extraction

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